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How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take in Alabama

Going through a divorce can be a long, complicated, and emotionally draining process. In Alabama, if both parties agree on all the issues involved in their divorce, they can pursue an uncontested divorce in Alabama. But, one question that arises frequently in this scenario is, how long does an uncontested divorce take in Alabama? Waiting …

How to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce Hearing in Alabama

How to prepare for an uncontested divorce hearing in Alabama If you and your spouse have agreed on all the terms of your divorce, an uncontested divorce can be a quicker and less stressful option than a contested divorce. However, it’s important to properly prepare for the uncontested divorce hearing in order to ensure a …

How to Deal with Contested Issues in a Potential Uncontested Divorce

How to deal with contested issues in an uncontested divorce An uncontested divorce in Alabama is typically faster and less expensive than a contested divorce because both spouses agree on all aspects of the divorce, including property division, child custody, and spousal support. Uncontested divorces in Alabama are typically quick and straightforward, but they aren’t …

Making Sense of Grandparent and Stepparent Visitation

Divorce is brutal, and when you and your spouse decide to end your marriage, the effects can impact more than just your immediate family. Step Parents and grandparents often forge a significant relationship with the children in their family, and when parents divorce in Jefferson County, those relationships are at risk. Let us help you …

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