Why is a no-fault divorce in Jefferson County, Alabama so cheap? When two parties decide that they want to get a divorce, there are two different ways that they can pursue their divorce. They can either have a divorce that is easy and uncontested or a divorce that is contested. Uncontested divorces are also known as no fault divorces. No fault divorces are when the two parties can agree on a settlement, which will specify all of the terms of their divorce. These terms consist of matters like property distribution, alimony, child support, and child custody. In Jefferson County, Alabama, two parties can obtain a no-fault divorce for much cheaper than a contested divorce.
Contested divorces are when the two parties cannot agree on the terms of their divorce. They may disagree on one term, a few terms, or all the terms. Contested divorces are usually very expensive because the parties have to go back and forth with each other on every term that they disagree on, and the parties will have to wait until the court can fit them into its schedule. This is not done quickly. Instead, contested divorces can take anywhere from months to years to resolve and finalize. There is no way to accurately predict the precise amount of time, work, and resources that each contested divorce will require, so attorneys must charge by the hour rather than charging a one-time, flat fee. Because of this, it is recommended that the two parties attempt to reach an agreement on as many terms as possible.
No fault divorces in Jefferson County, Alabama can be a relatively cheap way to get divorced. They are usually charged a one-time, flat fee because they consist of a much simpler process than contested divorces. First, the parties will need to hire an experienced divorce attorney to draft a marital settlement agreement that includes all the terms that they have agreed to. Both parties will need to read, understand, and sign the agreement. Then, the divorce attorney in Birmingham will go to the Circuit Court and file the signed marital settlement agreement along with a Divorce Petition.
Once these documents are filed, the parties will have to wait at least 30 days because Alabama requires the judge to wait 30 days before granting a Divorce Petition. Sometime after this 30-day cooling off period, the judge will review the marital settlement agreement and issue a divorce decree, which finalizes the divorce. Because the parties are not disputing their settlement terms, no-fault divorces do not require the parties to go to court and appear before the judge themselves. This allows the parties to save on court costs and attorney fees.
If two parties are able, they should try to pursue a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorces tend to be more civil and amicable than contested divorces. No fault divorces tend to be quicker, easier, and cheaper than contested divorces. If you are considering a no-fault divorce in Jefferson County, Alabama, contact us today, and we will connect you with one of experienced divorce attorneys to assist you in the process.
Attorney Steven A. Harris regularly blogs in the areas of family law, bankruptcy, probate, and real estate closings on this website. Mr. Harris tries to provide informative information to the public in easily digestible formats. Hopefully you enjoyed this article and feel free to supply feedback. We appreciate our readers & love to hear from you!